We are a class of Year 3 & 4 children at Vardon School in Hamilton, NZ. The purpose of this blog is to share what we are learning with others. Click into our individual blogs to see samples of our learning and our reflections. WE LOVE LEARNING!!! We also love commenting, so please leave us a comment!!!

Friday, September 27, 2013

End of Term 3

We hope everyone has a great holiday!

See you back in two weeks time ready for a fun, exciting Term 4!

Sneak peek....

  • athletics
  • science experiments 
  • paper mache and screen printing
  • swimsafe lessons
  • End of year picnic in Ngaruawahia
  • and more!!!!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Well done to all the children in room 7 today that took part in Kidsedchatnz!

Check out the chosen tweets and the TWEET of the WEEK!

(Thanks to Stephen Baker from RSS for making this cool video!)

Wrap free Wednesday

Today for wrap free Wednesday we had 13 out of 20 people wrap free. We had 18 wrappers. Last week we set a goal that we would have less than 10 chippy wrappers, and today we had 5 chippy wrappers, so mostly we just halfed it. For wrap free Wednesday we got 65%. That is the 3rd highest percentage that we have had so far!!
by Leah

Rakau Sticks

We made our own patterns with the rakau sticks. watch our video to see what patterns we created. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wrap Free Wednesday

Today is Wrap free Wednesday.
We had a 11 wraps out of out of 22 people.
We had 33 wraps in our class.We had 3 gladwrap,10 chip packets, 5 museli bars, 2 strings, 2 biscuit wrappers, 1 pie wrapper and one other wrapper.
 Our goal is reduce our number of chip packets.

written by Tegan

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Wednesday 4th September - Topic: Maths

 This week's topic for #kidsedchatnz is Maths! 

 Q1. What have you been learning about in Maths?

 Q2. Tell/Explain a Maths strategy that you have learnt this year?

 Q3. What are some of your favourite activities that you have done in Maths this year?

 Q4. Why is it important to learn about Maths?

 Q5. What are some of your favourite Maths Apps that you use in class?

Here is just a little snapshot of our twitter chat! 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Gym Sport Dance Competition

Today some of us competed in a dance competition. Here are some photos and videos clips of us competing.

 Funky Hip Hoppers

 The Glory Girls (year 3/4)

 2nd Pace for the Cheerleading Team (The Glory Girls)

Ways to make 20

Today the Pentagon's maths group learnt about the ways to make 20. They are learning to recall these facts quickly.

Cross Country

On Friday we had our Junior and Middle Cross Country. 

made by Poppy

made by Thomas

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