We are a class of Year 3 & 4 children at Vardon School in Hamilton, NZ. The purpose of this blog is to share what we are learning with others. Click into our individual blogs to see samples of our learning and our reflections. WE LOVE LEARNING!!! We also love commenting, so please leave us a comment!!!

Our Favourite ICT tools

These are our favourite web2 tools to use when we want to show snapshots of our learning with others. We also use these tools to reflect on our learning and set new goals.

Our goal this year is to independently choose the best tool to use and be able to explain why we chose that particular tool.

Photo tools...


Voice tools...


Video tools...

Book/Story making tools...

Book Creator for the iPad;

Presentation tools....

Fun gadgets...

We also can't forget these useful tools we use every day in class...
  • netbooks
  • flip videos
  • digital cameras
  • ipods
  • easispeaks
This is screenr. Watch the video tutorial to learn how to use it. You could use it to teach someone how to do something on the computer. How else could you use it?

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