We are a class of Year 3 & 4 children at Vardon School in Hamilton, NZ. The purpose of this blog is to share what we are learning with others. Click into our individual blogs to see samples of our learning and our reflections. WE LOVE LEARNING!!! We also love commenting, so please leave us a comment!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wyton Rufer visits our school

Today we met the famous soccer player.... Wyton Rufer!!!

He is a retired soccer player and he now coaches soccer. He told stories about soccer and the soccer world cup in 2009.

He asked us questions and the correct answers got a prize!!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Ian Foster's talk to Vardon School

This morning Ian Foster who is the ex-coach of the Chiefs came to our school to talk to us at assembly.

His key messages were:

  • how the 4R's help with both rugby and at school

  • "stand tall" is a positive phrase that you can say to build relationships

  • resilience - never give up with our learning - that's just the same as in rugby

  • even though they have lost some games they have to keep trying and knowing that they are still good. So at school we can keep trying with our learning.

Now.... after we have listening to Ian Foster's messages we are going to....

  • we are going to use the 4R's to help us with our learning!


Friday, July 8, 2011

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