We are a class of Year 3 & 4 children at Vardon School in Hamilton, NZ. The purpose of this blog is to share what we are learning with others. Click into our individual blogs to see samples of our learning and our reflections. WE LOVE LEARNING!!! We also love commenting, so please leave us a comment!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

29th February 2012

2012 is a leap year. Do you know what that means?
The link about is a blogging project. Let's click into it to see if we can join all the other bloggers around the world on 29th Febrary 2012!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Class Award

This is a photo of Room 7 and the class award that we got presented with today, on Friday 24th February. We got it because we worked hard to make a great class tone.
This means we have worked together as a team to make our classroom a happy and safe place for us to learn. We are using nice words and being kind friends to each other. We are using the 4 R's and being Powerful Learners. The 4 R's are; resilience, resourcefulness, relationships and reflection.
We feel happy and excited that our class got chosen by Mrs Paton who is our Deputy Principal.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Powerful Learners

This week we are focusing on being Powerful Managers of both our learning and behaviour. In groups we discussed what this means and are trying to 'spot' members of our class being a powerful manager!
Listen to how we are going to show that we are being powerful learners at school.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Tadpoles and Frogs

We have one tadpole left in our class. We used to have three but unfortunately two passed away :(

We have asked questions to find out more information about tadpoles and frogs.

Can you please tell us what YOU know about tadpoles and frogs. You can either leave a comment or email us at room7@vardon.school.nz.

Friday, February 17, 2012

School Tabloids

Room 7 having a tug-of-war competition!!! PULL, PULL, PULL

It was Tabloids yesterday and we had fun! There were activities like; spoon races, parachute, water activities, sack races and throwing games.

Katie thinks "It was really good how we didn't have the same games like last year"

Loren says "My favourite activity was the water activities"

Toby "The acivity I liked the most was the parachute games"

Leah "My favourite game was the sack races because there was lots of bouncing and cheering"

Courtney "My favourite part was having fun with my friends and competing against the other team"

Dakota "I liked the water activity because Mrs Paraha kept spraying water on us with the hose"

Christian "I like tabloids because I did a sponge race and spoon and egg race"

Makayla "I liked the egg and spoon race because it was fun competing against other teams"

Megan "I enjoyed the sponge race because you had to have the sponge and put in the water and run back and squeeze the water into the bucket"

Jade " I liked the water activities because you fill the bucket up to the top with water to win"

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Korean Visitors

Today we had visitors from Korea. First we introduced ourselves.

We sung a song about catch the mouse. We wrote our names in Korean and we learnt to speak a few words.
We also played games for fun.

Here are some videos of us singing and speaking in Korean.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Pop Art

We learnt about Andy Warhol and Pop Art. We also learnt to turn our portrait photos into a piece of Pop Art by using bright colour pastels and different pastel techniques to create our art.

Pop Art on PhotoPeach

Check our our E-Journals where we will post our pop art pictures and a reflection (within the next week).

Saturday, February 11, 2012

ICT Challenge

Mrs Gunn and Mrs Natusch have set an ICT challenge for Room 7 &14 (Blogging Buddies).
Here is the challenge....

Visit our E-journals to see if we have been successful!!!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


We are learning to carry out an investigation.

We have asked a question and we are recording the answers on a tally chart.

We enjoyed learning about what room 7 likes and finding out information about Room 7.

We will post our graphs and conclusions on our blogs soon!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

TEAM activity

This is an activity that Room 7 enjoyed because we had to use TEAM work and we had lots of fun.

From Toby

Thursday, February 2, 2012

ICT suite

This is our first time in the ICT site this year. The Year 4's were the helpers and they were amazing!!

The year 4's helped us with logging on the computers, signing in to our blogs and writing our very first post.