We are a class of Year 3 & 4 children at Vardon School in Hamilton, NZ. The purpose of this blog is to share what we are learning with others. Click into our individual blogs to see samples of our learning and our reflections. WE LOVE LEARNING!!! We also love commenting, so please leave us a comment!!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

ANZAC biscuits

Today some children made ANZAC biscuits because tomorrow is ANZAC day.

We learnt about the history of ANZAC biscuits and this is what we learnt...

Katie "I learnt that ANZAC biscuits ingredients didn't go off becasue there are no eggs or milk in them and they were good for the soldiers Mums and wives to make because they didn't go off"

Dakota "ANZAC biscuits used to be called soldiers biscuits"

Megan "ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps"

Toby "ANZAC biscuits used to be made out of different ingredients than the biscuits we buy today"

Loren " ANZAC biscuits were first made nearly 100 years ago"

Courtney " ANZAC biscuits were good to make for soldiers because they were really easyto make" 

Here are some photos of the children making ANZAC biscuits.

Thank you to Miss Rogers who helped us make them! They were yum!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Quadblogging - Round 2

We are signed up for round 2 of Quadblogging! Yahoo! What a great way to make global connections with other bloggers!

Here is the timetable..... (Click on the photos below)

Week 1 - St Augustine’s Junior School
Week 2 – Uphall Primary School

Week 3 – Vardon School (That's us!)

Week 4 – The Kinkaid School

Watch this video and listen to what these students think of quadblogging.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Our pre-ideas about ANZAC Day

Hi Room 7

I hope you have all had a wonderful holiday!

Before we learn about ANZAC Day tell me what you already know...

When we have all added our pre-ideas we can start our learning journey!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Waitomo Caves Posters

Our Waitomo Caves Posters on PhotoPeach

Visit our E-journals to see our individual reflections on our posters. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

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