We are a class of Year 3 & 4 children at Vardon School in Hamilton, NZ. The purpose of this blog is to share what we are learning with others. Click into our individual blogs to see samples of our learning and our reflections. WE LOVE LEARNING!!! We also love commenting, so please leave us a comment!!!

Monday, February 4, 2013


Today we read a story called "Chrysanthemum". It was about a girl who loved her name but then started school. At school she was teased because her name was too long and she was named after a flower. She ended up loving her name again because her music teacher said her name was perfect and she was also named after a flower! Then the girls who teased her renamed themselves as flowers!

Write a comment and let us know how you got your special name.


  1. My name is Janferay. It is a very tricky name for most people. It is french and I was named after my Mum's friend that she went to teachers college with. Her name was spelt Janferie but my Mum changed the end of it thinking it would be easier for people. But... no. I think it is very important to try to say people's names right and to not make fun of them, as it can really hurt their feelings. I'm glad you heard this story today.

  2. Hi Room 7

    I got my special name (Marcelle) because my Mum liked the name so much. She met someone with the same name in the hospital so decided that suited me perfectly. I do have to spell it to most people because the leave the "le" off the end.

    Mrs Natusch

  3. My name is Ashley. It a very common name and I've met a lot of people who have it but I have learned to love it. I was supposed to be named Emily but when I was born my parents looked at me and decided that I looked like an Ashley instead.

  4. I'm glad your story had a happy ending.

    Names are important. I think they give us an identity. My surname as a child was unusual so my mother gave us very simple first names. I was called Mary. There were nine Marys in my primary class. So being called Mary was like being called 'Girl' and really was like having no name at all.

    I love flowers as names for people. There are few enough flower names for boys: Sage I like.
    And I do like Daisy, Poppy, Heather and Rose for girls.

    When the students in my class give the main characters in their stories names like Jasmine,
    Lavender,Lily or Marigold I always think that we are off to a great start as even the names themselves seem to suggest a picture of what they might look like.

    With every good wish, Merry Beau (Class Teacher) 2nd Class, Room 6 Greystones, Ireland

  5. My first name is 'Myles' and it was choosen by my mother because when she was looking for my name she had a childs book of names and she decided to find the strangest name that she could from the book. I like it, but it was a bit hard at times at school.
    Mr Webb and Room Five, Melville Intermediate, Hamilton, Waikato.

  6. Hi Yr 3/4 powerful learners
    Our class is reading a book at the moment called 'Chelonia Green' about a girl Michelle who decides to call herself Chelonia after the scientific name for the turtles she sees on the island where she lives. One day she is devastated to find Caretta, the only loggerhead turtle in the pool, choked to death on discarded plastic bags. It is a great book and one you may be interested in. Thanks for such an interesting post about names - I wonder what name we would choose if we could choose our own?


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