We are a class of Year 3 & 4 children at Vardon School in Hamilton, NZ. The purpose of this blog is to share what we are learning with others. Click into our individual blogs to see samples of our learning and our reflections. WE LOVE LEARNING!!! We also love commenting, so please leave us a comment!!!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Term 1 Reflection

Wow! What a busy term we have had!

Some of the highlights were:

  • swimming (Aaron)
  • camp (lot's of us)
  • visiting Pirongia and walking the Mangakara bush walk (Tegan)
  • maths - fraction pictures (Poppy)
  • reading - chapter books (Zoe)
  • writing recounts (Jade)
  • writing more posts on our blogs to show what we have learnt (Leah)
  • writing a 100WC and entering to on their blog (Zaric)
  • playing learning games on the iPad (eg;decimal games) Aaron
  • handwriting (Axell)
  • spelling (Zaric)
  • using puppetpals and sock puppets to create a movie (Thomas)
  • inter-school swimming (Fin)
  • getting reward coupons (Makayla)
  • tennis lessons (Adelei)
  • playing with my friends (Ashton)
  • tweeting our learning and talking with others (Makayla, Zaric and Tegan)
  • end of term PJ party and movie :)
Have a great holiday everyone!
pic collage made by Aaron

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wrap free Wednesday!

Last week we won wrap free Wednesday! We got 67% wrap free.

Today is wrap free Wednesday and we have a lot of people wrap free. Today we have 70% wrap free.

On Wednesdays maybe you could be wrap free, and if you do that you will be helping our environment.

by Leah

Monday, April 15, 2013

Genius Hour in Room 7

We are going to be taking part in the "The Global Genius Hour Project".

First we watched this video clip of a 9 year old boy who reminded us not to be boring. He said to go down the road less traveled - the hard way, so we can not be the same and not boring.

Then we looked at the Genius Hour wiki to learn more about this project.

Next we brainstormed all the topics we wanted to learn more about and what we were curious about.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Blogger of the week

Myspace Bubbles Note Generator

Manaia wrote 4 comments in the weekend, One was for her blogging buddy in Palmerston North!
She even wrote a post about it and also finished her draft writing and published it.

You are a super STAR Manaia!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wrap free lunch

On Wednesday the 10th of April there were 14 children completely wrap free in our class. That is 66.6 % of our classroom wrap free!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Reading buddies

 Today room 7 had reading buddies.

 We love to read!!!


by Makayla

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Night Glow Balloon Festival

Did you go to the Hot Air Balloon Night Glow Festival on Saturday night? 
If so, what was your favourite part and why?

Friday, April 5, 2013

Hot Air balloon Visit

Animoto made by Zaric

Animoto made by Poppy

Today we had a hot air balloon visit our school. Some of us came to school at 7am and had breakfast! We then watched the people inflate the balloon.
We went to the hall to listen to Andy the pilot. This is what we found interesting....

  • Balloons travel only in the morning because the air is calm and still (Fin)
  • Balloons don't travel that fast so that the person who drives the truck to collect the balloon can catch up (Aaron)
  • Some balloons can crash (Zoe)
  • Andy the pilot has flown in different countries (Titus)
  • Hot air balloons come in different shapes and sizes (Jade)
  • You need to have to have a team to fly a balloon because they are heavy and need a team to control the balloon and someone to drive the truck (Thomas)
  • The number on the balloon is their registration like a car (Aaron)
  • balloons rise into the air because hot air rises inside the envelope and the air is lighter than the air outside (Zaric)
  • Andy's balloon is called "the EGG" (Leah)
  • The balloon's envelope is made out of fabric and it has a skirt (Aaron)

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