We are a class of Year 3 & 4 children at Vardon School in Hamilton, NZ. The purpose of this blog is to share what we are learning with others. Click into our individual blogs to see samples of our learning and our reflections. WE LOVE LEARNING!!! We also love commenting, so please leave us a comment!!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Last post for 2010

To room 7

Thank you for an amazing year!

Each one of you has grown in skill and confidence in different areas of your learning. You should be very proud of your achievements!

Keep working hard next year!!

P.S - Year 3's... I'm going to enjoy watching you continue on your learning journeys!!

From Mrs N :)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Dancing Queens

Well done to our Dancing Queens who came 5th in the National Jump jam competition.

From room 7 we had....

Brooke, Ariana, Deepika and Alannah.

You girls were AMAZING!!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy holidays!!!!

To all the wonderful children in room 7

Have a safe, relaxing and fun holiday!!!
See you back for term 4 soon!!
Be ready for lots more exciting learning!!!!

From Mrs N :)

Master Chef cook-off

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To end our topic of CHANGE we had a master chef cook-off. Each class made something.

Room 7 made hokey pokey to show that..... the baking soda releases all of its gas (CO2) and makes a chemical reaction with the sugar and golden syrup. That makes it bubbly and frothy.

Here is the recipe:

Put 5 tablespoons of sugar into a pot.

Put 2 tablespoons of golden syrup into the pot.

Out the pot on a low heat to dissolve the sugar.

Boil on a low heat for 4 minutes.

Put one teaspoon of baking soda into the pot.

Stir quickly and spoon out onto a greased tray.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Learning 2010

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Watch this slideshow to see some of our amazing learning!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Science experiment

What is happening in this experiment?

Baking soda and vinegar experiment

Chemical reaction (Jude)

The baking soda and vinegar made a chemical reaction (Bailey)

The baking soda and vinegar created Co2 gas and bubbles (Deepika)

You cannot get the baking soda back (Maia)

Soluble (Koston)

Irreversible-the baking soda cannot come back (Jahmin)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Yeast is alive!!!!

Did you know that yeast is alive??

What happens when you add sugar to yeast and warm water?

Why does bread need yeast?

Watch this experiment to see how yeast produces Co2 (carbon dioxide gas).

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Jarrod explains to Kheola about our experiment... why some liquids don't mix.

Do you now why some liquids don't mix?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

We have a new blog called Sensational Spelling.
This blog will explain what we are learning to do in spelling, examples of what we are learning and reflections.

We are in the process of linking this spelling blog to our individual blogs.

So... watch this space!!!!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Cross Country

This week is our Middle Syndicate Cross Country.
We have been training for our cross country by learning how to pace ourselves and by setting goals.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The melting ice experiment below should say.... MELTING ICE not winter penguins!!!

We froze the same amount of water in different shaped containers. We watched them melt.

We found out that the more surface area a frozen block of water has the quicker it melts... because water melts from the outside first!!!
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Friday, July 23, 2010

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Melting Ice Experiment!!!!!!

This is a fast one (at melting) because it has a large surface area.

In room7 we are learning about science.

We do lots of experiments with Ice and water.

Here we are tiring to figure out which block\cube melts first.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Our big idea this term is on CHANGE.

We are experiementing with ice and how it changes.

We know that...
  1. ice is a solid
  2. sugar mixed with water and then frozen melts faster than just ice
  3. ice melts from the outside first
  4. water is a liquid

We did an experiment with a large ice cube. We put water, food dye and salt on it.

The salt dissolved a little bit and it left a hole in the ice.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Welcome back to term 3!!!

To Room 7
Hi guys!
I hope you had a relaxing and fun holiday!
Now it's time to get back into it - setting new goals and trying hard to achieve them!!
You will see on the right side of this blog is 'My Blog List'. All children in Room 7 have their blogs listed... so click into yours and have fun reflecting on your work.
This term we are going to be adding more and more reflections on our learning.
Have a great term 3!
Mrs Natusch

Friday, June 11, 2010

"Back again" Yesterday room7 went to the marae. First we had a powhiri. Then we had morning tea, we had juice and biscuits and our fruit that we brought with us.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

We are learning about NZ disasters. We had to research the important information on our chosen disaster and think about the effect on the people involved.

This is a video of the Napier earthquake. Some children in the class chose this disaster.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hi my name is Jarrod. Savana and I are doing the fox trot. It is very hard. bye for now.

This is dress up day. The teachers walked around the courts. then it went like this... it was juniors, midddles and then seniors they were last. by desmond.
Hi again room7! Well do you know what i have learnt? I have been learning my frachions. I learnt that this is how you write four fifths 4/5. I have also been learning about back in the past in NZ. We went to the museum. Wow! I learnt lots there. I hope Room 7 learnt lots. What did you learn?by guys!

This is a photo of Brosyon and Charlane and Araya are doing the
fox trot.

I learnt that they had rug beaters and washing boards and they didnt have milk for their coffee. They didn't have any cows back in the olden days.
HI MY NAME IS KOSTON AND I AM LEARNING ABOUT THE MUSEUM. I AM TELLING YOU SOME PARTS THAT I LEARNT . I learnt that their is a photo in the museum of people sitting on the Fairfield brige. They made the bridge.they had rug beaters
Bula room7 my name is Ella .I learnt lots at the museum I learnt that soliers only got to eat stael bred coffee with no milk. there wre 8 stations.It was graet fun I enjed that school trip it was graet see you agian next time room7.
Hi this is Savana. I have been learning about the history of hamilton. We went to the museum. I learnt that they had bread with no butter and coffee with no milk.
Hi my name is Kheola and I am 8 year old. Our class went to the Hamilton museum. Ilearnt that in the olden days they had black coffee and they had bread but no milk.By Kheola
At Hamilton Museum I learnt that in wars soldiers had to eat 7.5 pounds of bread. Women knitted pj's and socks I also learnt that the first hospital had 5 rooms. By Deepika
Hi my name is trinty. I have been learning about the history of Hamilton. We went to the museum. I Learnt that they had no milk.
Hi my name is Kale. My class and I went to the Museum and the first hospital had Five bedrooms.
Arnya and Karma.We are lerning about Hamilton Museum that in the old days they nitted cloths for babys.We all had groups.the groups they worked together.
Hi. I have been learning about belonging. Room7 went to the museum and me and Sean learnt a lot. We learnt that 50.000 acres of dirt was dug up when hamilton were building the fairfield bridge.
by Danika
I learnt cool stuff at the meseum and it was that 50.000 gallons of dirt was removed so the Government could build a bridge but some people did not like the bridge because it was in the country and too far out of town.
by Sean

Bailey's learning

Bonjour, my name is Bailey and me and my class went to the museum.Did you know that the first hospitil only had five rooms! Instead of vacums in the old days they had long narrow sticks with a heart on top. It was called a rug beater.
At the Hamilton Mrooms. Did you know theuseum I learnt that the first hospital had five bed soap was grey. by bronsyn .

Thursday, May 20, 2010

hi my name is brooke and I have been learning about the ballantynes fire. it happened on the 18 of november in 1947.
Hi room7 my name is Ella and i have been learning about mining .It happned in 1847.
hi my name is kale.I am learning to use capatil letters.
I learnt about the wahine when it crach it crach into a rock. by jahmin.
Hi this is Savana and trinity we have learned about ballantyne's fire. 41 people dies. Over 300 people got employed at the store.
Hi my name is danika and I have been learning about the ballantynes fire it happened in 1947.
I learnt about that the Strong man mine explosion killed 19 travelers and a mass funeral was held on January 22 at the Karoro lawn. by Deepika
Hi my name is Bailey.I am from the ICTclub.I have also been learning about where speach marks go.
I learnt that the Wahine disaster happened in 1968 in Wellington harbour.by jude
We leart about Tangiwai railway disaster this is what happined ,almost at once the carrig brock free from the remaining. From alannah and lucas
I am learning about the Cave Creek.It happed in 1995 28 of aprl.
by Ariana
We have been learning about NZ disaters.Like napier earthquake and ballantyne's fire.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

My post is about the wwtp.
A man was showing us around. We were up
to the fllters and there was sand at the
bottem of the tanks to clean the water. It goes from the wwtp to your house
and back to the wwtp. Its like a life
cycle but it dies because you drink
it and you bake with it.
Does it die? Maybe not?
And we went to the wtp
the same thing.

Hey room7! My name is Ella and i'm ready for a exciting term of learning. I hope you are too! I have been learning how to do pop art and I have done some weaving and with the pop art you have to colour lightly over your pop art especially your face because your pop art picture will go dark.
Good bye. See you next time.

Here are all the kids from room7. They are at the waste water treatment plant in Pukete.
We learnt that theres a very bright light that kills the bugs. The bugs clean the discasting water. Then the bugs die like I seid the bugs have to die one day
by Jarrod.

Room 7 has been doing Pop Art. We

had to use pastel and smudge our face and hair. Then

we got a light pastel and coloured lightly.

Then we went to get our name and

glued it on
Hi my name is Alannah-Grace and I have been learning to find out things about nz like James cook discovered nz.
Hi my name is Deepika. I have been learning about divided bys. It means sharing.
Hi my name is Danika.I have been learning how to solve my 2x 5x and 10x tables.
Hi my name is Arnya. I have been learning to solve my divided by problems.
Hi my name is Zahle. In my mat's I have been learning to reacal my 10 times 5 times and 3 times and 3 divided by problems.
Hi my name is Kharma. I have been learning to use capital letters and full stops in my writing.
Hi my name is Bailey and I am going to tell you a fact about NZ that I leant. The first mammal was the bat
Hi my name is Ella and I have been learning my halves and my qaurters and I learnt that the bats were the first land mammals in NZ.
I also learnt my fractions and divided bys.
Hi my name is Kheola I am 8 years old.I'v been learning about maths and NZ facts by Kheola.
Hi my name is Brooke. I have been learning to solve my divided by problems. I am learning my 2s 3s 5s and10s times tables. I lerant that Jame Cook was born in October 28th 1728 at marton in noth yorkshire.
Hi my name Trinity. I have been learning about my maths and my reading and writing.
Hi my name is Kale. I am learning to use capital letters and full stops in my writing. I am learning to find fraction of shapes and groups of objects.
Hi my name is Desmond. I have been learning to solve divided by problems and to learn
were my fullsotps in my writing book.

by Desmond.
Hi my name is Jahmin. I have been learning to solve my divided by ploblems. The first time I learnt my divided by they were hard.
by Jahmin
Hi my name is Lucas and I will tell you why to belong to groups. When you do not belong to a group you are lonely.
Hi my name is Jude. I have be learning solve my 2x 5x 10x and i like my maths and i like school.

Hi my name is Ariana and i am learning to find fractions of shaps and grops of objects. In maths am also learning to solve my divided by problems. by Ariana
hi my name is Bronsyn i have been learing to do my 2 x and my 5x to. I like math.
Hi my name is koston. I have been Learning to solve my 5x and 10x. I have been using my
capital letters and full stops in my writing book.
I am learning to find fractions of shapes and groups of objects.

by Koston.
Hi my name is Charlene. I am eight years old I have been learning to solve divided by problems.
Hi my name is khody. I have been learning to solve my 5 x tables.

I am using my capital letters and full stop'in my writing.

I am learning to find fractions of shapes and groups of objects.
by khody.
Hi my name is Sean. I am 8 years old. I have been learning to solve my 2 divided bys and 5 divided bys. I am learning to do my 2x 5x 10x too.
by Sean
Hi my name is Savana. I have been learning about solve my 2x 5x 10x. I am also learning to solve my divided by problems. by SAVANA
HI my name is Maia I am going to tell more about what room7 has learnt this term. We have been learning about belonging to groups in class at home and sports groups. In maths I been learning about my divided bys and time tables problems off by heart. My goal in handwriting is neatness.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

WE ARE ROOM 7!!!!!!!
I have been learning about anzac day and all the people who forte in the war The war was in 1915 On anzac day people wear red popes on tops to remember all of the soldiers that died by Ella.
I learn that anzac day is to remember the war that happened in 1915.
by Desmond
Walcome back to our blog.
We are going to talk about anzac.
ANZAC means Australian New Zealand Army Corps. We foought in Gallipoli against Turkish soldiers.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

We're back at school and this term room7 are learning about ANZAC day and all of the soldiers that fought and died in the war.

Friday, April 16, 2010

We learnt about conservation. We looked at why it is important to keep our Waikato River clean.

Listen to what some of us learnt.....

Friday, March 19, 2010

Welcome to room 7's Amazing journey!!!
We will be posting about our learning so we hope you enjoy reading our blog!!

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