We are a class of Year 3 & 4 children at Vardon School in Hamilton, NZ. The purpose of this blog is to share what we are learning with others. Click into our individual blogs to see samples of our learning and our reflections. WE LOVE LEARNING!!! We also love commenting, so please leave us a comment!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Taku Mihi

One thing we have done this week to celebrate Maori Language week is to record our mihis that we wrote last term.

Here are some of them. Please visit our individual blogs to hear the rest of them.

Olympics discussion

For Oral Language this morning we discussed this photo.

What is happening?
How is the person holding the Olympic torch feeling and why?
What is the crowd doing?
How would we feel if this were us?

2012 Olympic Mascots

Today we watched this video clip on the 2012 Olympic mascots.
We also learnt some information about them.

Here are the mascots;

Hi. My name is Mandeville.

  • My name comes from Stoke Mandeville where a doctor had an idea to help his patients recover from back injuries. He set up a wheelchair Basketball competition and this is how the Paralympics began.
  • My eye is a camera lens so I can record everything I see
  • I always want to be faster
  • I wear a watch so I can beat my speed every time
  • I was created from the last two drops of British steel used to make the 2012 Olympic stadium

My name is Wenlock.

  • My name comes from the town of Much Wenlock in Shropshire
  • My eye is a camera lens so I can record everything I see
  • I love all Olympic sports
  • I wear friendship bracelets and they are the colours of the Olympic rings
  • I love making new friends
  • The light on my head is inspired from the London famous black taxis


Victoria used the ipod today to take photos of us doing circuits. She then created a video using the splice app on the ipod. This is our first time using the splice app.

Circuits are a fun fitness activity. We are doing circuits to get fit and ready for our cross country. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Writing in room 7

Today we used a movie animation from The Literacy Shed. We watched the animation and brainstormed adjectives, nouns, verbs and adverbs.

This is a screenshot of the ending of the animation. We wrote an ending on our blogs. Visit our blogs to see our writing.

Pablo Picasso

We are learning about different artists.

One of the artists we looked at is Pablo Picasso. Here are some of his paintings. Can you guess which one is NOT a Picasso painting?

Make a comment and tell us which one you think is NOT by Picasso?


(This is the website where you can see more of his paintings)

Thursday, July 19, 2012


This is our new graffiti wall for maths.  At the end of a maths lesson we can graffiti something we learnt or found interesting.

This is our number of the day wall. Each day the person who writes the most interesting way to make the number gets to choose a number for the next day.

Here's your number of the day ... 58.
How can you make 58?
Make a comment with your way to make 58.
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