We are a class of Year 3 & 4 children at Vardon School in Hamilton, NZ. The purpose of this blog is to share what we are learning with others. Click into our individual blogs to see samples of our learning and our reflections. WE LOVE LEARNING!!! We also love commenting, so please leave us a comment!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Splish, Splash, Splosh!

This week we are going to Waterworld each day for swimming lessons. On the first day we were assessed and put into groups. Today we were taught lot's of different swimming skills in our groups. Here are some photos and videos of us swimming in the pool today.

Some of the skills we learnt were:

  • gliding
  • freestyle
  • backstroke
  • dolphin diving
  • floating
  • diving
  • breaststroke
  • butterfly

Look at our Grass heads now!

Wow! Look at our grass heads! They are growing lot's of grass (well, most of them are).

We think they need hair cuts now!

What do you like about them?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Solar eclipse

Today we went out and looked at the sun using special solar glasses. We saw the eclipse.
 It looked like an orange moon and a black sky. It was curved like a banana (Titus). It looked like a giant pac man (Ashton)

Listen and watch our reactions to viewing the eclipse....

Thursday, November 8, 2012

100 Word Challenge

The 100 WC challenge this fortnight is...

Grandparents are important because...

Start thinking about what you could write. You can then start writing your new post or use MSword so you can count the number of words you have written.

This prompt needs to be written and entered by 13th of November.

Why do YOU think Grandparents are important? Leave us a comment!

(If you are new to the 100WC check out the link on the left side of our blog)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Voice Mail Comments

Here are the comments we have received so far via our voicemail widget on our class blog. 

Using twitter to connect with others

This afternoon we tweeted with schools around NZ. We used our teachers twitter account to tweet and soon we may have our own Room 7 twitter account.

We used the hash tag #kidsedchatnz to connect with others.

We enjoyed:

  • I enjoyed finding out what other children's favourite subject at school is (Megan)
  • I enjoyed looking at what twitter was (Debbie)
  • I enjoyed learning about different classes (Loren)
  • I liked learning about what kinds of computers other schools have (Fin)
  • I enjoyed replying to other people we didn't know and having a conversation (Aaron) 
  • I enjoyed talking to others and starting a conversation (Katie)
  • I enjoyed learning new things off other people (Victoria)
  • I enjoyed learning more about other classes (Leah)
Here are some of the tweets:

Did you join in the #kidsedchatnz? 
Did we start a conversation with you? 
Do you want to join us next time?

Grass heads

Last week we made grass heads. We have looked at how cows eat grass and how it is turned into milk so thought we would grow our own grass (in a fun way).

Here are some photos:

What do you like about them?
What do you think will happen?

Wrap Free Wednesday

Each Wednesday at Vardon school we try to be WRAP FREE!

This means we need to think about what to bring to school in our lunch boxes.

Here are some of our WRAP FREE lunches.


We think this is good for our environment because it cuts down on wrappers. Around our school there will be less rubbish. ;)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

How do farmers take care of the environment?

This is a photo of an effluent pond at Miss Workman's farm.

This is what we know about effluent ponds. Listen to our audioboos. 

listen to ‘Makayla’ on Audioboo

We know that effluent ponds are good for our environment because farmers make fertilizer and spread it on the paddocks to make the grass healthy for the cows to eat.

What did you learn?
What do you know about effluent ponds?

Our Calendar art

Here is our calendar art work. You can also check out our individual blogs for a larger photo.

/Our Calendar Art on PhotoPeach

What did you like about our art work?