We are a class of Year 3 & 4 children at Vardon School in Hamilton, NZ. The purpose of this blog is to share what we are learning with others. Click into our individual blogs to see samples of our learning and our reflections. WE LOVE LEARNING!!! We also love commenting, so please leave us a comment!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wrap free Wednesday

 Today room7 had 10 people who were wrap free. Here are our wrap free children. 

Today we had 55 wrappers which is very high so our goal is to reduce this by at least 5 wrappers each week.  


  1. Dear Vardon's room,
    Being wrap-free is great for the environment! I don't think I'm wrap-free, but I think I'll try to be! Thank you for making me think about this! What made your class think about being wrap-free?
    Please comment on my class' blog! Here is the link: http://kidblog.org/MrsHeinesClass-3/
    If you want to comment on one of my blogs, I am AAADevin.
    Devin :)

  2. I am impressed by all those wrapper free children. How many children are in the class? We sometimes have litter free lunches at our school and a worm farm for the food scraps. I still think there is too many wrappers though. How do you encourage your students to be wrapper free?
    Mrs N-C from the Terrific Tuis

  3. What foods do you put into your lunch boxes too help reduce the wrappers? Any ideas please.
    From Jeremy in Terrfific Tuis

  4. how do you get less rappers ? any ideas

  5. Our school has tried sevrel times to have a litter free lunch.How do you get so much litter free lunch?

    from Jett

  6. Congrats to all those litter free people. Our school has tried several times to have litter free lunches but only about 3 out of 20 people in our class have them. What do you put your sandwiches in?


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