We are a class of Year 3 & 4 children at Vardon School in Hamilton, NZ. The purpose of this blog is to share what we are learning with others. Click into our individual blogs to see samples of our learning and our reflections. WE LOVE LEARNING!!! We also love commenting, so please leave us a comment!!!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Cross Country

Well done Room 7!

You were amazing in your races today for cross country.
From Mrs Natusch

What did you enjoy the most?
What did you find challenging? 


  1. To Mrs Natusch
    Thank you very much and thank you for giving out the juices. We were really thirsty for running two whole laps.
    From Masyn

  2. To Mrs Natusch
    I enjoyed running with the middles and having a juicie.
    from Nicholas

  3. To Mrs Natusch
    I enjoyed running it was hard to overtake people but luckily
    I had the energy to keep going and come first..
    From Tegan

  4. To Mrs Natusch
    I found the running challenging.
    I enjoyed having a juice.
    from Hayley.

  5. To Mrs Natusch
    I enjoyed running around the field! What I found challenging was that I needed to run all the field twice!
    From Hannah.

  6. To Mrs Natusch,
    My favourite part was being in the lead.
    The hard part was the start because me and Rico both were off like a rocket.
    I just had got away from him.
    It was nice to have a juices afterwards.
    From Thomas

  7. To Mrs N
    I think running two laps with out stopping is hard.
    from Naroa

  8. To Mrs Natusch
    I enjoyed eating the juices after our race and the part that I found
    difficult was running 3 laps around the field.
    From Manaia

  9. To Mrs N
    Cross county was difficult because I was doing 2 laps with heaps of people. I was tired.
    From Anthony

  10. To Mrs Natusch
    What I found challenging was running around the field 2 and a half times and keeping up with everyone.
    I enjoyed coming tenth place and getting a juicie after the race.
    From Poppy

  11. To room 7
    I enjoyed cross country because I like jumping over the log.
    from Jhaevhan

  12. To Mrs N
    My favourite part was coming 6th place.What I found challenging was running around the whole field twice!
    from Lucy

  13. To Mrs Natusch
    I enjoyed coming sixth place and having a juicie at the end of the race. It was challenging doing 2 and a half laps.
    from Ashley jade

  14. To room7
    I enjoyed cross country because It was a big challenge and I finished it.
    From Kaspar

  15. To Mrs N
    I was excited because ... it was cross country! It was fun!
    From Anusheel

  16. To Mrs N
    When we started I felt nervous that I was going to get over taken over but i tried my best and got 2nd.
    From Niall.


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