We are a class of Year 3 & 4 children at Vardon School in Hamilton, NZ. The purpose of this blog is to share what we are learning with others. Click into our individual blogs to see samples of our learning and our reflections. WE LOVE LEARNING!!! We also love commenting, so please leave us a comment!!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Good-Bye 2011

Thank you for a wonderful year Room 7. You are truly amazing!!!
Have a great summer holiday.
See you back at school on 31st January 2012!

From Mrs Natusch

PS - Year 4's - Enjoy the senior school.
Year 3's - I can't wait to see you develop into year 4 leaders!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Room 7 2012

We are looking forward to....

Megan "Harder maths"

Loren "Being a role model"

Aaron "Being in art club"

Adriaan "Reading"

Courtney "Writing"

Titus "Being in Kapa Haka"

Leah "Getting to go on the middles playground"

Ashton "ICT club"

Jade "On the middles playground"

Dakota "Being a Year 4"

Victoria "The year 2's getting to know us"

Katie "Getting to be a year four leader"

Kasiti "Coming to room 7"

Christian "ICT club"

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Our end of year picnic!!!

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Today we had fun with Dianne from Project Energize. We had a game of tug-of-war against other classes.

Room 7 versed Room 10 and Room 10 won.

"It was hard" Maia

"I had lot's of fun" Kharma

"I thought it looked like it was lots of fun" Megan

"I like how room 7 tried to pull the rope but they just couldn't beat room 10" Katie

Thanks Dianne for coming to school and taking this fun lunchtime activity!!!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How to use voicethread

A video on how to use Voicethread.

Room 7 - This is my first attempt at using jing to make a demonstration video. Let me know if it helps!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Our new netbooks!!!

We love our new netbooks!!! We use them to upload photos and videos and write reflections on our blogs about our learning!!!

Thanks to our wonderful PTA who bought these for us!!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Spotlight on the Arts show

Spotlight on the Arts on PhotoPeach

You can count on me

We like this song... it's all about friendship, relying on your friends, trusting them and looking out for each other!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How guy fawkes was created

In November 5 1605 Guy Fawkes tried to blow up Parliament and kill the king.

He put 36 barrels of gunpowder in the cellar. He was caught and killed. Now every year on n November 5th people celebrate the safety of the king.

written by Victoria

Friday, October 7, 2011

Our Wheels Afternoon

Our Wheels Afternoon on PhotoPeach

We made our chain touch the ground by getting links in the chain.
We got links by working hard as a TEAM.
We chose to have a wheels afternoon and a treasure hunt.
Here are some photos of our wheels afternoon :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Rugby World Cup at Vardon School!!

We supported Romania today at our RWC assembly.

Today we had a Rugby World Cup assembly. Each class supported a rugby team. Here are some photos....

We can't wait until tonight.... the opening game of the RUGBY WORLD CUP!!!!!!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Parent/Teacher Conference Practice!!!

Our Year 4's practiced having a conference with the Year 3's.

We had to find two samples of learning in our learning logs to discuss. We are also discussing some of our learning on our e-journals!

We had to discuss these points;

This is a sample of my....
My goal was to ....
I have achieved this goal because ....

I am proud of.... because
My next learning goal is to....

We can't wait until P/T interviews next week!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Room 7's Assembly!!!

Photos and videos of our assembly!!!

We had a treasure hunt after our assembly so you can also view photos of us working out the clue. It was tricky but we persevered!! :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Never say never!!!

This will be our song for our assembly this Friday.

It has great messages about staying strong, not giving up and fighting for what you believe.

So.... NEVER say NEVER!!!

SNOW IN HAMILTON !!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Healthy Breakfasts

Today Millie came to talk to us about healthy breakfasts. First she asked us what we learnt about last weeks session on healthy drinks.

First she asked us to tell her what we had for breakfast this morning.

Some answers were.... porridge, nutrigrain, weetbix, milo, toast with butter or jam, pancakes.

Millie had lots of breakfast foods. She asked us to put them in groups. The groups were;

Everyday, sometimes and occasional/never foods.

Here are some examples of these groups...

Everyday breakfasts - milk, weetbix, brown bread, porridge, left over home made dinners, fruit

Sometimes breakfasts - muesli, up and go,

Occasional breakfasts - cookies, chips, coke, coco-pops

See the photo above!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Our big idea this term is perseverance.

We watched these video clips and discussed how they showed perseverance and what that means.

Healthy Drinks

Millie from Project Energize came to school to talk to us about healthy drinks. We have to order the drinks form the least amount of sugar to the most amount of water.

Water has NO sugar and E2 has the most sugar - 20 teaspoons!!!!!

We sorted the drinks into... everyday drinks, sometimes drinks and occasional drinks.

Our thoughts....

Ariana "Raro has 4 teaspoons of sugar in it and that E2 has 20 teaspoons of sugar" "I was surprised the V has less sugar than coke!"

Lucas "Don't drink unhealthy drinks with lots of sugar in them:

Maia "I thought that V would have more sugar then E2 and coke would more sugar than E2" "I thought that flavoured water would be healthy but it has sugar in it"

Loren "I learnt that every time you breath you lose water from your body"

Kharma " Don't drink drinks that have caffeine in them at all!"

Mrs N "I like flavoured water and I am surprised how much sugar it has in it!"

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wyton Rufer visits our school

Today we met the famous soccer player.... Wyton Rufer!!!

He is a retired soccer player and he now coaches soccer. He told stories about soccer and the soccer world cup in 2009.

He asked us questions and the correct answers got a prize!!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Ian Foster's talk to Vardon School

This morning Ian Foster who is the ex-coach of the Chiefs came to our school to talk to us at assembly.

His key messages were:

  • how the 4R's help with both rugby and at school

  • "stand tall" is a positive phrase that you can say to build relationships

  • resilience - never give up with our learning - that's just the same as in rugby

  • even though they have lost some games they have to keep trying and knowing that they are still good. So at school we can keep trying with our learning.

Now.... after we have listening to Ian Foster's messages we are going to....

  • we are going to use the 4R's to help us with our learning!


Friday, July 8, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Our ketes of strengths!

These our our ketes of strengths!! We have written our strengths on "seeds of knowledge" and placed them inside our ketes.

What do you think of them? Please write a comment.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

What do you know about rivers?

What do you know about Bridges? Pre-ideas...

Message from Mrs Natusch

To Room 7

Wow! What a wonderful term! It went by so quickly!

I have enjoyed seeing everyone work together as a team. Year 4's... I have been impressed with your leadership skills. I loved seeing you acting as leaders for the year 3's and modeling what working Room 7 looks like, sounds like and feels like. May it continue in term 2! :)

Year 3's... I have been impressed with how quickly you learned the Golden Rules! Well done!

This term we have another exciting topic to study!

Our topic focus is Technology and Social Sciences. We will be looking at our Waikato river and our Hamilton bridges. We will link this topic to Maori culture and what it means to us here at Vardon School.

Please click onthe wall below and post your first thoughts about the Waikato River and bridges.

See you soon!

Mrs Natusch :)

Raglan Videos

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cutting flax with Mrs Anderson

Mrs Anderson talked to us about how to cut flax. We had to say a karakia before we cut the flax to bless the flax. Then Mrs Anderson showed what flax to cut and what flax not to cut. We only cut the outside of the family (grandparents and the parents). We can't cut the baby flax because they need to grow. We also were showed how to cut the flax on an angle so the rain can drip off it.
We took the flax back to class and plaited it to make flax ropes.
We used the flax ropes to act out the legend of How Maui slowed the sun.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

camp week

Our camp week was so fun because we all like going to beaches and camping over night . We all had fun !!!

Our Middle Syndicate Amazing Camp!!!!

camp week

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