We are a class of Year 3 & 4 children at Vardon School in Hamilton, NZ. The purpose of this blog is to share what we are learning with others. Click into our individual blogs to see samples of our learning and our reflections. WE LOVE LEARNING!!! We also love commenting, so please leave us a comment!!!

Friday, September 28, 2012

End of Term 3

We have had a great Term 3! Here is a video of some of the things we got up to and what we enjoyed.

We are back in two weeks time. We begin Term 4 on Monday 15th of October.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

What is your favourite subject at school?

Hello to our quadblogging buddies.

 Let us know your favourite subject at school and why?
You can sign in and make a voice comment, type it or use a webcam.

We look forward to finding out what your favourite subjects are!

Keeping NZ Beautiful Jokes

Here are some jokes for Keeping NZ Beautiful around animals and our environment;

What did the raindrop say to the other?
Where do bees go to the toilet?
Why did the tree smell?
Why is the letter ‘t’ important to a stick insect?

Have a go at guessing what the answers may be. 
The answers will be displayed in a comment below for you to check. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Our School Production

This is a video Toby made on Animoto about our school production called "Colour my World".

What did you enjoy?

What questions do you have?

Keeping NZ Beautiful

This week is "Keep NZ Beautiful" Week.

To help our school stay BEAUTIFUL we picked up rubbish around our school and cleaned up.

This is how we are going to keep NZ beautiful:

  • Megan "I'm going to clean up at lunchtime"
  • Loren "Each Wednesday at home or at school I'm going to pick up rubbish"
  • Victoria "Remind people to put their rubbish in the bin" 
  • Courtney "Try not to eat junk food in wrappers"
  • Aaron "Not litter - put my rubbish in the bin"
  • Toby "I am going to recycle all my paper, plastic bottles and cardboard at home"
  • Christian "Each day I am going to clean up rubbish at home and school"
  • Fin "Pick up rubbish each morning if I see it"
  • Jade "When I walk past rubbish I am going to pick up rubbish"
  • Katie "I am going to start by not using plastic wraps on my food and recycle"
  • Makayla "I am going to remind people to put their rubbish in the bin"
  • Dakota "When I go for walks I will pick up rubbish"
  • Debbie "I'm going to start picking up rubbish" 
  • Kasiti "I'm going to pick up rubbish when I walk past it"

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Birthday Card Maker
Welcome to our quadblogging classes who are visiting our blog this week.
We hope you enjoy looking around our class blog. You can also visit our student blogs which are located on the right hand side of our class blog. ;)
Room 7 - We are also commenting on http://st-lukes.primaryblog.net/blog/class-blogs/2285.html so make sure you visit this blog each day and make a good quality comment. 


Check out our blogs on the right hand side of our class blog.

We have written come great stories for the 100WC. The prompt was ... looking behind me, I saw....

We would love you to comment on them. ;)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Our School Production

This is a 'snapshot' of our up-and-coming production. We have three shows altogether and are very excited!
Our Production is called "Colour my World".

What did you enjoy?

We will upload more photos soon so watch this space :)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fairy Tales

We have been studying fairy tales in class.
What is your favourite fairy tale and why?

Thursday, September 6, 2012


We are quadblogging again! Yay!
We are taking part in two quads this time!
Here are the class bogs we will be visiting; (click on the picture to go to their blog)

What do you enjoy about quadblogging?

What do you want to learn from our quadblogging buddies?

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