We are a class of Year 3 & 4 children at Vardon School in Hamilton, NZ. The purpose of this blog is to share what we are learning with others. Click into our individual blogs to see samples of our learning and our reflections. WE LOVE LEARNING!!! We also love commenting, so please leave us a comment!!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Tennis Lessons

Today was our first lesson of learning tennis skills.

We learnt to:

  • control the ball by moving the ball around our racket
  • park the ball on the racket
  • hit the ball up on the racket and bounce on the ground
  • forehand swing

Do you play tennis? What do you enjoy about playing it?

Friday, March 22, 2013

It's Earth Hour this Saturday

What will you be doing this Saturday at 8:30pm during Earth Hour?

This is how we are going to help our planet Earth.....

I will help save the Earth by reading a book and not playing the playstation.

I will help save the Earth by using candles not lights.

I will help save the Earth by turning lights off and not have long showers.

I will help save the Earth by not flushing the toilet so much so I can save water.

I will help save the Earth by not having long showers.

I will help save the Earth by leaving my lights off when I am sleeping.

I will help save the Earth by not having long showers.

I will help save the Earth by saving water.

I will help save the Earth by telling my friends to turn their lights off when they sleep.

I will help save the Earth by not wasting water.

I will help save the Earth by turning the lights off.

I will help save the Earth by turning lights off when I’m not in the room and having shorter showers.

I will help save the Earth by not using so much electricity.

I will help save the Earth by not using the tap so much.

I will help save the Earth by turning off the lights.

I will help save the Earth by turning off my lights.

 I will help save the Earth by having wrap-free lunches.

I will help save the Earth bringing wrap-free lunches to school.

 I will help save the Earth by not using the lights so much.

I will help save the Earth by reminding other classes to turn off their lights.

I will help save the Earth by reminding other classes to turn off their lights.

I will help save the Earth by not using so much water.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Fractions in our names

For maths we looked at our names. We looked at the fraction of consonants and the fraction of vowels. Listen to our videos of some of us explaining the fractions and also check out our photos! 

Fraction Portraits

To end our week of learning about fractions we created portraits using squares of paper. We first counted up how many squares we had used and then calculated the fraction of each colour that we had used within our portrait.

Check them out on this photopeach!

Fraction Portraits on PhotoPeach

Thursday, March 14, 2013


We used pebbles, plates and colours to do maths today. We learnt about fractions. In every bag there were 30 pebbles. We had to write the fraction of each colour of pebble like 3/30 Yellow, or 6/30 red. We had to have a 30 in each fraction. Sometime people do fractions with out even knowing. It was so much fun doing maths today and at the end we got to eat 2 pebbles each YUMMY!
by Leah

Monday, March 11, 2013


Today in maths we used lego and cubes to make a stick of ten lego/cubes. We wrote the fractions of each colour we used.
Here are some children talking about that fraction of each colour they used.

What do you know about fractions?

Real life Maths

This is what our new flag counter looked like on Friday afternoon.

Make a comment... write a maths problem using the numbers on our flag counter. 

Friday, March 8, 2013

Our Photo art using iPods

Our Photo Art on PhotoPeach

We used the iPods and an app called "Wordfoto" to create this art work.

 What do you like about it?

Tug of War

On Tabloids day we had a tug of war competition against the other Middle Team classes. We won both our tug of wars! Aren't we strong!

Have you played a game of tug and war before? 

Our Tent Groups

Tent Groups on PhotoPeach

What do you like about our tent groups?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I made this animoto of our slip'n'slide at camp. What do you like about it.

By Aaron

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Our new flag counter

We have started a new flag counter for our blog. This time our teacher made sure she added more spaces for even more flags! We can't wait to see where our visitors come from!

Here is the flag counter. It is also located on the right side of our blog.

Flag Counter

Camp Reflections

Today we completed a PMI (Positive, Minus and Interesting) about our overnight camp. We got into small groups and then did a Noisy Round Robin. This meant we swapped our PMI with other groups and added our ideas.


Monday, March 4, 2013

Day Two of our Camp Week

This is a photopeach that Makayla made of our trip to Pirongia. We walked the Mangakara Bush Walk. We had so much fun!
Room 7's bush walk on PhotoPeach
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