We are a class of Year 3 & 4 children at Vardon School in Hamilton, NZ. The purpose of this blog is to share what we are learning with others. Click into our individual blogs to see samples of our learning and our reflections. WE LOVE LEARNING!!! We also love commenting, so please leave us a comment!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Student Led Conferences

We are practising for our Student Led Conferences which are today and on Thursday.

Student Led Conferences are where we share some of our learning with our families in our learning logs and on our blogs.

We are looking forward to...

Megan "Sharing all our amazing work"
Loren "Sharing my learning with my Mum and dad"
Dakota "Showing my Mum and Dad my maths"
Makayla "Showing my Mum and Dad my blog"
Aaron "Sharing my goals that I have achieved"
Debbie "Sharing my reading with my Mum and Dad"
Kasiti "I am looking forward to sharing my writing with my Mum"
Jade "Sharing my hard work with Mum and Dad"
Toby "Sharing some of the things that I have learnt this year"
Ashton "Sharing some things on my blog to my parents"
Katie "I really excited to share some learning with my parents"
Leah "Showing what I have learnt"
Fin "I am looking forward to sharing my results with my family"

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Week 7 Reminders

Lady Bug Note Generators
Do you like the new gadget I found?
You can have your very own if you click on the link above.
Make sure you link your messgaes to your learning and then you can embed them on your own blog.
Have fun!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Room 7's blog is on the Blog Dipping website!

We are so proud to have our Room 7 class blog featured on the Blog Dipping website!

We hope everyone around the world enjoys reading our post on asking questions and also checks out the rest of our blog!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Cross Country

The year 1-4 children had their cross country today. This is a photpeach that Loren made.
In our class the 7 year olds ran two laps of the school field. 8 and 9 year olds ran 2 1/2 laps of the field.
We had hay bales to jump over and a course to run around to make it more fun!
What did you enjoy about our cross country and why?
If you are visiting from another school what is your cross country like?

Cross country 2012 on PhotoPeach

Asking questions

We are learning to ask questions before, during and after reading.

We read this big book called The Lion and the Mouse. We asked questions about this book.

These are the types of questions we are learning about:

1. Right there questions (Literal)
The answer is right there in the story

2. Search and think questions (Inferential)
You need to search for clues in the story and think about your answer.

3. On my own questions (Evaluative) 
The answer won't be in the story. You need to find the answer in your head. Think "I have to answer the question on my own".

 Here are our questions. Can you guess what type of question each of us asked?

Monday, August 20, 2012


How are these athletes feeling and why?

Spring is coming!

This morning we discussed this photo for oral language. Listen to our descriptions.....

What do you think of when you see this photo?

Friday, August 17, 2012

NZ has 100 medals!

We found this video clip on another class blog and think it's pretty cool!
We are proud of our country NZ because we have 100 medals in total.

When were YOU most proud to be a New Zealander?

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Maths week

This week is Maths week. Click on the link below, sign in and have fun practicing your maths skills!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

We LOVE Learning!

This week we created posters to show how we LOVE learning. 

 Our learning goal was to use MS Publisher to show the different ways we love to learn.

We were successful when we could;

  • choose a background style
  • choose photos saved in our folders or take new photos to show different ways of learning
  • add a title and words to describe what we were doing in the photos 
  • make our posters easy to read by thinking about the lay-out

We entered our posters in this competition - http://www.ilovelearning.org.nz/
Search for Vardon School to see our entries. You can even show you "like" them by clicking the like button!

We LOVE Learning! on PhotoPeach

Do you think we achieved our goal?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Maths week 2012

Next week is maths week in NZ.

Here is a snapshot from the 100 word Challenge website that some of us used for writing. We can't wait until this is up and running again in September!

Below the picture are some maths problems to solve.

 Make a comment with your thinking and your answers to these problems.  Remember to number your answers.

1. How many posts altogether were made for both the 100 WC and the 5 SC?

2. There were visitors from 50 countries. If 25 more countries joined in September, how many countries would that be altogether?

3. There are actually 196 countries in the world. How many countries did not visit the 100 word challenge blog?

4. 68, 000 visits were made to class blogs. What is 100 more than this number? What is 1000 more?

EXTRA - make up your own problem using these numbers for someone to reply to.

Have fun solving these problems! We can't wait to read your comments!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Retelling a Maori Legend

The Takahe and Kiwi reading groups retold a maori legend for Maori Language week. First we read the legend and also watched a video clip. Then we each chose a part to retell. We drew a picture to show our retell and then recorded our voice.

What did you enjoy about our retelling?

Monday, August 6, 2012


Wow! What a weekend of sport!

The Waikato Chiefs bet the Sharks in the final game of Super 15 Rugby. :)

We watched lots of sports in the Olympics over the weekend. We are proud of all our NZ athletes who did their best.

NZ now has 3 gold medals and 4 bronze medals which equals 7 altogether! YAY!

What have you enjoyed watching at the 2012 Olympics and why?

Friday, August 3, 2012

Our NZ medals at the 2012 Olympics

This is our equestrian team who won a bronze medal.
Megan "I felt surprised when they got the bronze medal because for horse-riding it's really hard and I'm proud of them because they tried their best"
Toby "I felt excited  because it's good to get a medal"

In this photo we think these rowers are.....
Loren "They are feeling really tired and puffed"
Katie "I think they are very happy and proud and they are trying their best"
They are being resilient and trying their best.

Dakota "When they get the gold medal they would be really proud of themselves for getting NZ's first gold medal"
Fin "I think they are feeling really happy and proud of themselves"

Christian "These rowers are happy and proud because they are holding their bronze medal"

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