We are a class of Year 3 & 4 children at Vardon School in Hamilton, NZ. The purpose of this blog is to share what we are learning with others. Click into our individual blogs to see samples of our learning and our reflections. WE LOVE LEARNING!!! We also love commenting, so please leave us a comment!!!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Happy Holidays!

WOW! Term 2 went by so quickly!

Have a safe, relaxing and fun-filled holiday everyone!

See you all back on Monday the 16th of July.

From room 7 and Mrs Natusch ;)

Thursday, June 28, 2012


We have finished our topic on "Exploring Sound". Let us know what you learnt.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Our Assembly

This is a movie about our assembly. We hope you enjoy it!

Please leave us a comment about what you enjoyed!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Seven stars of Matariki

This is the legend of The Seven Stars of Matariki.

What did you learn?
What did you find interesting?
What questions do you have?


Information on Matariki

This week, on the 21st June, New Zealand will celebrate Matariki.

What is Matariki?
Matariki is the Māori name for the star cluster known as the Pleiades.
Traditionally for Māori, when it appeared just before dawn in late May or early June, it signalled the start of the Māori New Year. For some tribes, the rising of Puanga (Rigel in Orion) signals the start of the New Year.

When is Matariki?
Different tribes celebrated Matariki at different times. For some it was when Matariki rose in May/June. For others it was celebrated at the first new moon, or full moon, following the rising of Matariki. In the 21st century it is the new moon following the rising of Matariki that signals the New Year.
Read our previous post... our voicethread about what we learnt about matatriki.
What did you learn?
What questions do you have?

Monday, June 11, 2012

What do you know about fractions?

Make a comment about what you know about fractions. If you have a question about fractions then you could even ask that as well.
I look forward to seeing all your comments by the end of the week! Mrs N ;)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Our School Logo

Each week our school councillors discuss parts of our school logo; what it represents and what this means for students at Vardon School.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Creating a Soundscape

Mrs D wrote a story for us and we drew a soundscape picture of what it sounded like. Then we created a piece of music to tell the story.

Here are our pieces of music.

What did you enjoy about our soundscapes?

Friday, June 1, 2012

Skyping with 3G

Today we skyped a school in London. We had to come to school at 7am which is extra early for us!
We skyped 3G at St Augustine's Junior school and they had to stay at school until 8pm to skype with us!

From our skype we learnt....
  • Big Ben is really tall and big.
  • 3G wrote to the Queen and invited her to a picnic. The class received a letter back from the Queen on special thick paper. She was too busy to go!
  • They were really excited about the Olympics coming to their city.
  • Their flag has the same colours as our flag.
  • They have 24 children in their class.
  • They have 7 teachers and 193 students.
  • They have 2 goldfish just like us!
  • 3G starts school at 8:50am and finish 3:20pm.
  • They have 3 breaks in their school day - the first one is at 10am, second break at 12pm and the third break is in the afternoon.
We really enjoyed skyping because we really wanted to meet one of our quad blog classes. We enjoyed learning lots of information about them. We got to see them on video!
It was our first time skyping. The connection wasn't that great because they were on the other side of the world. But we really didn't care because we loved meeting them!

After our skype we had hot milos, pikelets, muffins, cookies and toast for breakfast.

Courtney first asked if they knew about her bear. She got it at a famous train station in London. They said it was called the Beef Eater bear. Courtney knew that this was a person in the palace who tested the food the Queen was going to eat to check if it was poisoned or not. 
This is a photo of us listening hard!
Christian asked what their favourite subject at school was.
Katie was asking if they were excited about the Olympics and they shouted "YES!"
Loren asked what type of fish they had in their class. 
Jade asked how many classrooms they have - 7.
Fin is explaining his favourite subject at school.

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