We are a class of Year 3 & 4 children at Vardon School in Hamilton, NZ. The purpose of this blog is to share what we are learning with others. Click into our individual blogs to see samples of our learning and our reflections. WE LOVE LEARNING!!! We also love commenting, so please leave us a comment!!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Our Assembly

This is a movie about our assembly. We hope you enjoy it!

Please leave us a comment about what you enjoyed!


  1. For me it says the video has been removed by the user. Yes? No?

  2. Hi Rm 7
    Great job on your assembly!
    This video now works so share it with your family and friends and encourage them to make a comment! Let's see how many comments we can get!
    Mrs N

  3. Hi Room 7

    We really liked the music but the videos parts were hard to hear.

    The ET people were funny and looked cool.

    You all did a really good job.

    From room 8.

  4. Well done room 7!
    You showed us so many different and interesting things that you have learned about sound. I didn't realise that there was no sound in space, but now I know that there needs to be air for the sound waves to travel through! Thanks for sharing all your awesome work... and showing such awesome resilience at the start of your assembly too:)

    Amazing job!

    From Mrs Paton


We love your comments. Thanks so much!